- Tel: +90 312 596 44 44 - 45
- sbbf@asbu.edu.tr
Philosophy of Religion
Epistemology and Philosophy of Science
Department Head
He completed his undergraduate education at Marmara University Faculty of Theology, his master's degree at Harran University and his doctorate at Ankara University. His main topics of interest and study are philosophy of history and philosophy of education, democracy, human rights, critical thinking, and philosophy of artificial intelligence, philosophy of social sciences and family philosophy. He published books entitled "Mevlana'da Aşk ve Varoluş" (Love and Existence in Mevlana), "Tarih Felsefesi", (Philosophy of History), "Müslümanca Demokrasi Üzerine Tartışmalar" (Discussions on Muslim Democracy),"David Hume'un Bilgi Kuramı",(David Hume's Theory of Knowledge), "David Hume ve Din Felsefesi" (David Hume and the Philosophy of Religion). He was a visiting scholar at Oxford University in 2011 apart from many other scientific activities in other countries. Apart from many publications he is the editor of "Beytulhikme International Journal of Philosophy" since 2009. He is a member of the "Türk Felsefe Derneği" (Turkish Philosophical Society) and GelARD Association, he has been the manager of (Eğitim-Bir-Sen) union for education workers, and writing columns "Yeni Söz" and "Milat" newspapers. He is a faculty member in ASBU (Social Sciences University of Ankara).
Philosophy of Education
Philosophy of History
Religion, Politics and Conflict in the Middle East
Integral Studies
Religious and Political Movements in Asia
Philosophy of Nature
Qualitative Research Methods
Philosophy of Family
Philosophy of Technology and Critical Thinking
Art and Aesthetics
Introduction to Philosophy
History of Philosophy
Philosophy of Education
Modern Philosophy Theories
Art and Aesthetics
Philosophy of Religion
History of Philosophy
Social Anthropology
Philosophy Dealership
David Hume and Philosophy of Religion
David Hume's Theory of Knowledge
Lucian of Samosata Symposium Book
Existence and Love in Mawlana
Discussions on Muslim Democracy
Muslim Democracy
Philosophy of History
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