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Mehmet Nesim Doru
Mehmet Nesim
Akademik Personel
Doktora, Üniversite Adı, Yıl
Ankara University - 2007
Araştırma Alanları

Islamic Philosophy

Ishraqiyyun and Mystic Thought

Philosophy of Assyrian Tradition 

Contemporary French Philosophy

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He graduated from faculty of Theology of Selçuk University in 1999. He completed his doctoral thesis in 2007 on Ankara University. He works on Philosophy of Islam, Ishraqiyyun and Mystic Thought, Philosophy of Assyrian Tradition and Contemporary French Philosophy. His books are titled

"Doğudan Batıya Köprü: Süryaniler", "Süryanilerde Felsefe", "Süryani Düşüncesinde Metafizik", "Melayê Cizîrî: Felsefi ve Tasavvufi Görüşleri" ve "Hakikat ve Mecaz Arasında Bir Sûfî'nin Portresi: Melayê Cizîrî" 

(The Bridge from East to West: Assyrians, Philosophy in Assyrians, Metaphysics in Assyrians Thought, Melaye Ciziri: Philosophical and Mystic Thoughts, A Mystic Thinker: Melaye Ciziri)

He worked as a guest researcher at School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) and Oxford University. He is currently working on Spinoza, Heidegger, Deleuze and Derrida. He continues his research at the Social Sciences University of Ankara. 

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